The following version is that usually adopted by Neopagan and Mesopagan groups such as the OBOD and the British Druid Oder (BDO).
Original Welsh
Dyro, Dduw, dy nawdd;
ac yn nawdd, nerth;
ac yn nerth, deall;
ac yn neall, gwybod;
ac o wybod, gwybod y cyfiawn;
ac o wybod y cyfiawn ei garu;
ac o garu, caru Duw.
Duw a phob daioni.
English Translation
Grant, God, thy refuge;
and in refuge, strength;
and in strength, understanding;
and in understanding, knowledge;
and from knowledge, knowledge of what is right;
and from knowledge of what is right, the love of it;
and from loving, the love of God.
God and all goodness.
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