Caldito de Pollo para la gripa
La semana pasada y todavía esta semana estuve enferma de gripa y claro el primer dia que me enfermé, me hice un delicioso caldo de pollo. Solo por que se me antojo y pensé que las verduras me harían bien , pero luego ya me dijeron que efectivamente es bueno para la gripa. y aquí les comparto el artículo del New York Times donde habla de eso.
EATING WELL; So Listen to Mother Already: For Flu, Take Chicken Soup
WITH more people sneezing and coughing their way through winter in New York than anywhere else in the country, it's helpful to remember that the therapeutic value of ''Jewish penicillin'' is not a myth.
Chicken soup has been served to billions of cold and flu victims around the globe for centuries, almost always with the same result: the patients feel better. And according to at least one pulmonary specialist, they probably get better sooner, too -- even those who would rather lie in bed and moan.
Dr. Irwin Ziment, chief of medicine at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Silmar, Calif., and an expert in respiratory pharmacology, is one physician who goes beyond the scientific evidence to cite the historical tradition of chicken soup as a legitimate natural remedy. He points out that as early as the 12th century, the rabbi and physician Maimonides wrote that ''soup made from an old chicken is of benefit against chronic fevers'' and that it ''also aids the cough.''
It was not until 1978 that researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach conducted a randomized flu trial using hot water, cold water and hot chicken soup. The soup proved the most effective liquid in clearing up the nasal passages. The subjects who drank hot water were also helped, but not as much as those who got the soup.
Dr. Ziment said scientists know that cystine, an amino acid plentiful in chicken, is chemically similar to a drug prescribed for bronchitis and other respiratory infections. The drug, acetylcysteine, was originally made from chicken feathers and skin.
Ingredients that make eyes water and noses run also turn out to be very useful in relieving cold and flu symptoms -- so chicken soup made with hot, pungent additions works better than blander recipes. Garlic, hot peppers, wasabi, horseradish, mustard, ginger and even curry powder will break up congestion and flush out sinuses. If you can't find someone to dote on you by making soup from scratch, buy the best you can -- made with real chickens -- and simmer it with one or two of these.
A few years ago, Dr. Stephen Rennard, who specializes in lung diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, did another chicken soup study -- ''without matzoh balls,'' he cautioned.
Dr. Rennard found that in a test tube at least, chicken soup made by his wife from her grandmother's recipe inhibited the ability of certain white blood cells to promote inflammation involved in some cold symptoms, like irritated airways and phlegm production. ''The soup may make you feel better, temporarily, but won't affect the virus itself, which has to run its course,'' concluded the January 1994 Berkeley Wellness Letter, which published his findings.
Dr. Ziment isn't so sure. ''This is where religion or poetry comes into it,'' he said. ''If people think it makes them feel better, it will help. Placebos work if people believe in them.''
Así que si tienen gripa , prepárense un caldito de pollo , que les va ayudar a sentirse mejor.
Prefiero Caldito de Alma TM.
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